Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Eyes Have It......

I just stumbled across an image I captured a couple of years ago at a family holiday event. When I saw it I was struck by the story her eyes seemed to be telling. After staring at it for a few minutes I decided that I should make some changes to remove some of the distracting elements so that the eyes would get the attention they deserved.

The first thing I did was to crop the image a bit to put her left eye in the upper right third of the image and remove most of the blown out light on the right side. The second thing was to adjust using the curves tool to bring up the light around her eyes without blowing out the rest of her face. I then applied a bit of sharpening before using the channel mixer to convert the image to B&W. In my opinion B&W always helps to draw attention to detail. What you see here is the final result.


Lena said...

can I get a copy of this? -Lena

Big Ez said...

Oh do I wish those eyes looked like that today.

Life is not kind as we age.